Aqua Academy

We expand knowledge about water

Water Institute

Water is the softest and weakest essence in the world, but it is invincible in overcoming hard and strong, and there is no equal in the world.


Objectives of Aqua Academy

  • Extension of knowledge about water. Scientific activity.
  • Popularization of knowledge about water. Educational activities.
  • Creation of specialized water and specialized devices.
  • Commercialization of knowledge about water.

Goals of Aqua Academy

  • Comprehensive study of water properties and accumulation of knowledge about water

  • Scientific and search work on the study of water properties

  • Research work and R&D (Research and Development Work)

  • Involvement and consolidation of leading experts in the field of water properties studying

  • Expert work on the evaluation of scientific developments, verification of scientific data

  • Popularization of knowledge about water: working with Mass media, publishing of scientific and popular-science material

  • Creation of popular-science and documentary films, preparation of material on water for Mass media

  • Development of methods for modifying water in order to obtain specified properties

Structure of Aqua Academy

Aqua Academy is a scientific and educational portal, which includes:

Water Institute. The Institute conducts research activities aimed at studying water and commercializing of scientific research.

Publishing house. The Institute publishing activities are aimed at promoting of publication of literature about water.

Education center. The Education Center prepares educational materials on many issues related to water and ecology.

Library. The library contains books, articles, State Stardarts. The library fund is constantly replenished with new books and articles.

Interactive Water Museum. The Interactive Water Museum contains materials from museums of different countries and cities. Our visitors have a unique opportunity to see photos of exhibit items from various museums around the world.


  • Water Institute

  • Publishing house

  • Water museums

  • Library

Aqua Academy

We expand knowledge about water