Aqua Academy

We expand knowledge about water

Water Institute

Water is the softest and weakest essence in the world, but it is invincible in overcoming hard and strong, and there is no equal in the world.

  • Лектор: Mikhail V. Kurick
  • Регалии: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Head of Photomolecular Electronics Department of the Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Director of the Ukrainian Institute of Ecology and Humanity

This is video lecture “Physical criteria of drinking water quality”. The speaker is Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Head of Photomolecular Electronics Department of the Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Director of the Ukrainian Institute of Ecology and Humanity – Mikhail V. Kurick

This lecture is an emotional narrative of the speaker about different problems of Ukraine through the prism of water pollution issue. Mikhail Kurick raises various questions, including philosophical issues, such as issues of upbringing, education and health of public.

Aqua Academy

We expand knowledge about water