Aqua Academy

We expand knowledge about water

Water Institute

Water is the softest and weakest essence in the world, but it is invincible in overcoming hard and strong, and there is no equal in the world.


Water occupies almost 75% of the Earth’s surface and represents for the greater part the global ocean. World water reserves are huge – about 1389 million km3. There are 280 billion liters per every inhabitant of the planet – it seems that this is very much. However, 97% of the water resources are salty waters of the oceans and seas. And only 3% are fresh waters.

It is known that all fresh consists of water. The proportion of water ranges from 50 to 97 % of the weight of all plants and animals. Some jellyfish are composed of sea water by almost 99% and thus they are an example of living water. All chemical reactions in the body are possible only in water environment and this is very important information about water! Many people depreciate water, but it’s in vain! Humanity can use only 0.003% of fresh water and this is a frightening figure! And this is considering the fact that the growing of one ton of grain requires from 1,000 to 10,000 tons of water. Situation with rise is even worse. Water is a catalyst for many chemical reactions, and sometimes reacting requires at least some traces of it. Interacting with some salts, water causes the process of their change decomposition – hydrolysis. Water is a participant and a medium for many biochemical reactions in living organisms. The life of humans, plants, animals and microorganisms is associated with water solutions. In particular, nutrition processes include transformation of a substance into solution.

Aqua Academy

We expand knowledge about water