Aqua Academy

We expand knowledge about water

Water Institute

Water is the softest and weakest essence in the world, but it is invincible in overcoming hard and strong, and there is no equal in the world.


Order of the Russian Federation Government dated from 09.03.2010 N 132 says that “…. Physiologically complete water is drinking water that has a favorable physiological effect on the human body due to its ion-salt composition, physico-chemical properties, the presence of biologically active and specific trace elements in it, as well as the original microbiological composition of the source of drinking water supply …. “.

Normative indicators of physiological adequacy of drinking water are presented in SanPiN “Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for the quality of water packaged in containers. Quality control”.

Table «The standards of physiological adequacy of drinking water»

Quality indicator Standards for the physiological adequacy of drinking water,

in the range of

Quality standards of packaged water
First category

               High           category

Total Dissolved Salts, mg / l 100–1000 1000 200–500
Hardness, mEq / l 1,5–7 7 1,5–7
Alkalinity, mEq / l 0,5–6,5 6,5 0,5–6,5
Calcium (Ca2 +), 25–130 130 25–80
Magnesium (Mg2 +), mg / l 5–50 65 5-50
Potassium (K +), mg / l 2–20 20 2–20
Bicarbonates (НСО3–), mg / l 30–400 400 30–400
Fluoride ion (F–), mg / l 0,5–1,2 1,5 0,6–1,2
Iodide ion (I–), mkg / l 10-125 125 40-60


The table shows those basic macro and micro elements that are necessary for humans. Of course, subject to all these parameters, physiologically complete water should not contain polluting, toxic and radioactive substances, and comply with all SanPiN standards. The value of water can be increased by additional micro or macro elements. But in each case, a serious evidence base is needed. SiENERGY water is rich in biogenic silicon, which favorably affects the entire human body. Numerous studies of SiENERGY water have been carried out. These studies have shown that SiENERGY water has additional advantages over other physiologically full waters.

Aqua Academy

We expand knowledge about water