Aqua Academy

We expand knowledge about water

Water Institute

Water is the softest and weakest essence in the world, but it is invincible in overcoming hard and strong, and there is no equal in the world.


About the Institute:

The Water Institute is located in Moscow. It conducts specialized (unique) research related to physical, biological and chemical properties of water. We do not conduct routine research (there are many other laboratories, institutes, centers for this). We create water with pre-determined properties (special water). We create methods and technological chains for modifying the properties of water. We perform unique scientific tasks (tasks for space, aviation, navy).

We maintain a catalogue of bottled water producers which has more than 2 thousand items. We constantly conduct marketing research of the bottled water market. Also we maintain a catalogue of springs (we attribute springs to a special type of drinking water sources). Springs can be either a source of infection or poisoning (which often happens) or sources of water with unique properties.

The commercial activities of our Institute are aimed at assisting in formation and support of marketing strategies. We provide consulting and crisis management.

More information about our Institute can be found on our website:


Is it possible to drink tap water in Moscow? Can I drink tap water? About tap water in general:


Standards for the quality of tap water is very stringent. Water supply facilities are strategic objects. Therefore, the attitude towards them is the most serious. Tap water, upon entering the water supply system, meets the standards of SanPiN (Sanitary Regulations and Norms). However, the severe deterioration of the water supply system significantly affects the quality of tap water the end consumer receives. As a rule, secondary pollution occurs due to worn pipelines. Sometimes surface water gets into drinking water through damages of water supply systems. For this reason, hypochlorite is added to tap water. Thus, there is an additional guarantee that end consumers will not be exposed to biological contamination. In developed countries, pipelines are kept in perfect condition and are made of special ceramics or glass (inner surface). In this case it is not necessary to disinfect the water with additional chlorine compounds. There is another serious problem with tap water in large cities. Wastewaters are often used, especially where there are problems with fresh water. Wastewaters are pre-cleaned, disinfected, cleaned again and brought to a state that meets SanPiN standards. However, control over all possible pollutants is impossible to exercise. There is no guarantee that the wastewaters are completely cleaned of impurities. As a result, when using tap water, we expose ourselves to constant danger. Yes, this danger will not lead to an instant disease of the body, but the harmful effects will be accumulated constantly.



Mixing boiled and raw water:


This is a dangerous habit, as there is a possibility of infection. By adding raw water to boiled water, we give a chance to dangerous microorganisms! We recommend adding cooled boiled water.


Is it possible to boil water in a kettle several times?


Yes, it is possible, especially if it is water from a well or spring (natural water). At the first boiling, salts of temporary hardness precipitate (therefore, boiled water is not as tasty as fresh). With repeated boiling, the chemical composition changes very little. The main problem is related to hypochlorite. At high temperatures, hypochlorite can transform into stable radicals (chemical compounds dangerous to the body). Therefore, whenever possible, avoid boiling tap water again. An important recommendation – it is best to use a metal or glass teapot and brew tea in a glass bowl!


Why PET is considered a single-use container

It is better to use any plastic bottles only once! We cannot guarantee for plastic containers sufficient cleanliness at home since we cannot pour over plastic with boiling water. Therefore, we run a high risk with each use of plastic containers. In industrial production, 19 liter containers are subjected to standard processing and therefore can be reused. When following the storage rules of plastic containers, toxic substances of plastic are not released into the water.


What is ORP and why is it needed:


ORP is the oxidation-reduction potential or redox potential. ORP indicates the potential between electrode (often a silver-silver chloride electrode) and solution (often drinking water). ORP is very much affected by concentration of oxygen dissolved in water.

One of the myths says that an organism needs water with a negative potential and even connect this potential with the action potential of neurons of -50-70 mV. ORP can be changed both physically and chemically. In particular, the data available in the literature on the measurement of body fluids ORP are determined by the biochemical composition of these media. Only a doctor can determine what kind of water, with what chemical composition a particular person needs to drink, based on many serious tests. But practice shows that physiologically complete water (no matter which ORP it has) is very suitable for use. It is more important to pay attention to the quality of water, and not to ORP level of water (for example, rotten water has a negative ORP, but nobody thinks to drink it).


How to choose the right water filter


Water filters are selected only after chemical analysis of water (each filter has its own specialization).

When analyzing the main problems of water supply in Russian cities, we can advise a filter system that cleans from:

  1. Impurities and suspensions
  2. Chlorine
  3. Iron oxides (usually suitable for other metals).

Another important point: the filters must be changed as often as possible (do not exceed the service life for each particular place).

Aqua Academy

We expand knowledge about water